
Learn how to become a:

"One Man Content Machine"

"The most important person is the customer, the most powerful person is the one who can create that customer."

So what is a content machine? 

It's someone who knows how to make the phones ring using social media because they have a skill set in these 3 areas:*Untitled%20design%20(17)*png?alt=media&token=48f1ffa6-1cb9-4899-b2ad-5e71725d1f2f

Salespeople:  These are your problem solvers, if you're someone who struggles with sales there is a chance you may be looking at it the wrong way.  All you're doing is solving a problem... and the consumer is simply trading money to solve that problem.

If you sell cars, the problem that you solve is your customer doesn't want to walk to work so they need a car.

The marketplace will pay you accordingly based on the level of problems you're able to solve.  Big Problems = Big Paycheck

Most salespeople focus on spending their time getting great at "closing deals", not "creating opportunities."

Marketers:  These are your people who've solved the problem of making the phones ring (usually not an area salespeople are strong in).  They're great at creating opportunities or "leads" as we call them in the sales world.  This is usually done by using a lot of advanced tech such as SEO, Email Campaigns, Facebook Ads, Retargeting, Funnels etc...

The problem is most marketers spend their time getting really good at marketing, and don't focus on learning the sales end.

If you can do both, your market value increases dramatically.

Graphic Designers:  These are your "artists", they're very good at making things look "pretty."  It's extremely important to have something that is professional looking.  The problem is, just because something is pretty... doesn't mean it's going to sell, and if it does... now you need a marketer to put it in front of more people.

So what happens if you learn how to make marketing that looks cool.. AND sells all by yourself?  

You triple your market value and become an irreplaceable asset to any company.*318344827_10158896311951899_8633748830041598968_n*jpeg?alt=media&token=c1b59cf1-e180-4de2-b72a-d39f3df9060f*1642787617535*William%2520Phillips%2520Decor%2520Marker*svg?alt=media&token=620388bb-d208-45b6-bfb0-b58b3fa76089

Interested in hiring Alan?*1642787617535*William%2520Phillips%2520Decor%2520Marker*svg?alt=media&token=368bb15f-b374-4a04-ae06-1d938d1b9789

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